An archive of our newsletters.
Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first.
Another Passion
Sourdough baking!
Published: Sunday 07 August, 2022
Color of the Month: August
From Pantone, August's color is Sun Orange.
Published: Sunday 31 July, 2022
Thoughts on Color Contrast (or not)
My default patterns for summer knitting are hats, almost always done in brioche style. They are small, easily portable, and do not add heat to my lap as I work on them.
Published: Monday 18 July, 2022
Baby, it's cold outside...! - Newsletter, January 25, 2022
I have been going for my morning walks with three scarves -- one around my neck and face and two in my pockets to replace that one when it gets too icy. My little corner of the universe has the nickname of "The Icebox of New Jersey" and when my son came to visit from a town just a short distance away he was amazed at the amount of snow we had gotten.
Published: Wednesday 26 January, 2022
The Purples of Dusk - Newsletter, December 14, 2021
As the days are getting shorter and shorter, it seems to me that colors are also shifting towards the shorter end of the spectrum as well. Call it maybe an ambiance of purples..? The overall look of colors to my eye seem to be veering cooler in an unexpected match to the weather. And the longer twilights are especially striking. We'd like to share some special things with you today.
Published: Tuesday 14 December, 2021
Unexpected Colors - Newsletter, 12/7/21
Sometimes you have to really look to see colors and sometimes they just jump out at you. We have some marvelous new finds we would like to share with you.
Published: Sunday 12 December, 2021
Snow and snow again - Newsletter, December 3, 2019
We'd love to share with you some new kits and some ghosts-of-Christmas-past ones --- some great designs that we have brought back.
Published: Thursday 05 December, 2019
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