Amun Ra: Kits

Diana, including one skein opened up so you can better see the sections of color within the colorway.
Diana, including one skein opened up so you can better see the sections of color within the colorway.
Ursula, again with a skein opened up to show the sections of colors.
Ursula, again with a skein opened up to show the sections of colors.
These next photos show some of Chrissy's original Amun Ra pieces.
These next photos show some of Chrissy's original Amun Ra pieces.
Price: $20.80
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Here is a wonderful pattern, by Chrissie of Ursa Major Knits. She especially designed Amun Ra for hand-painted skeins.

The Design

Here is how she describes it:

This pattern is suitable for any multicolored yarn. You can even use it with a yarn that has a color gradient. However, you will get the best results when using a dip dyed skein that shows 3 - 5 colors. The two models shown here are knitted with fingering yarn, but you can apply the pattern to any yarn weight.

The Amun Ra shawlette is a one-skein wonder. All you have to do is follow the pattern and stop on a completed module before you run out of yarn. Of course you can make a larger project out of it and use two or one and half skein of fingering or half a skein of lace.

It is a modular knit, but there is no seaming involved as the moldules are joined together as you go. You will find ample photo tutorials on how to join the modules as well as all the other techniques you will need in case you are a beginning knitter.

All instructions are written and charted, but you can just as well follow the principle which will be explained by graphics and pictures. After knitting two or three modules it is really a no-brainer.

Although there are many ways to wear the Amun Ra, you will find instructions on how to drape it around your neck so that it stays put.

Yarn and Colorways

The yarn we offer in this kit is not the yarn nor colors that Chrissy used in her original pieces. We show these in the inset photo within the top picture on this page and again below that. The rest of the photos are there to show you the design and what is possible with this great design. Your imagination is vital in picturing your finished piece.

Chrissy had also written that to have the most control over the pooling process the yarn should be dip-dyed with three to five different colors.

Our yarn is Malabrigo's Sock, 100% superwash merino , 440 yards per 100g skein.

1. Diana: a mostly warm combo of colors including gold, yellow-orange, orange, rosy pink, a variety of greens, teal and a bit of violet. 

2. Ursula: a mostly cool combo of colors including cream plus very dark purple and lighter hues of purple as well, some spattering of blue and a bit of gold. 

Each kit includes simply one skein of the yarn.

The Pattern

Note that the kit will not automatically include the pattern.

We offer three options.

I know some knitters might already have this or prefer to get it directly as a PDF file of the pattern from Chrissie via her Ravelry web page. In that case, choose "No Pattern Needed."

If you would like a printed copy, please make sure the "Pattern" drop-down menu is set to that.

We also can get the pattern as a pdf saved in Your Account on this website.

Just make sure that the drop-down menu is set as you would like before you check out.

This will be a real beauty.
