Aspen Leaf: Fiddlesticks Knitting Pattern

Price: $11.00
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Aspen Leaf is a beautiful shawl pattern by Dorothy Siemens of Fiddlestick Knitting which we can offer in your choice of forms: either as a pdf saved on the EarthFaire website on your Account page, or as a printed pattern mailed to you.

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The Design

Here is what Dorothy writes:

A flutter of leaves encircles the Aspen Leaf Shawl. The unique top edge bands create an attractive frame from which the leaves cascade gracefully down the shoulders.

The shawl begins with a leaf motif at the centre top, from which stitches are picked up to work the shawl body. “Pi” method increases give a semi-circular shape. The shawl is finished with a crochet chain cast off, explained in detail. This is a combination garter and stocking stitch shawl with lace shaping on right-side rows only.

Recommended for Intermediate lace knitters.

Yarn required: Lace weight, allow roughly 700 yards (635 m):

The original was knit in a 100% silk yarn with 262 yards (240 meters)/ 50g. 

