Birds and Bees Stole: Pattern by Fiddlesticks Knitting

Price: $12.00
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This has long been one of my very favorites and I am delighted to be able to offer it to all of you.

It is now available in your choice of pdf file or printed copy.  Make your choice via the drop-down menu under the top photo on this page.  The printed copy is a bit more expensive to cover printing and shipping costs. 

The Design

The Birds and Bees Stole is by Dorothy Siemens of Fiddlesticks Knitting.  Here is how she describes it: 

Lace knitting motifs which include “wings of the swan” and “bee” inspired the Birds and Bees Stole. The wedge-shaped centre panel gives the stole a slightly Vee shape for ease in wearing, and creates two “wings” of lovely lace on either side.

The stole begins with a centre panel from which stitches are picked up to work each “wing.” Then, stitches are picked up all around and a simple garter stitch edging is worked in an optional second colour. This is a stocking stitch stole with lace on one side only, except for the delightful “bee” motif (detailed explanation of how to work is included).


What is required is a light fingering weight yarn, in two colorways, one with roughly 792 yards and one needing about 264 yards.  
