Harmonia's Rings Collection/ Set of Patterns by Sivia

Price: $12.00
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We can now offer this pattern as either a downloadable PDF version or as a hard copy printed out and mailed to you -- your choice. The printed copy is more expensive as it is set to allow for printing costs and shipping fees. 


Sivia has just released a larger 12-page pattern covering all three Harmonia's Rings patterns -- the cowl, the tunic, and the sweater.

You can read in more detail about these three lovelies elsewhere on the website (just put "Harmonia's" in the Search engine and you can find them easily).

What is offered here is all three of these in one collection, which includes the one-size-fits-all cowl, rewritten for greater clarity and with new suggestions for size and shape modifications; the tunic in seven sizes; and the sweater in seven sizes with three sleeve options. (All the photos shown here were taken by Vivian Aubrey

A great collection -- fun to play with all the possibilities.

(This is for hard copies of the pattern, printed and mailed.)
