Scotian Meadow Wrap/ pattern by Jane Thornley

Price: $10.00
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I love these designs!

Each is a wonderful recipe for creating your own Wearable Art! Those of us who enjoy playing with colors within certain loose parameters -- here is your muse!

I discovered Jane Thornley's designs by accident and am thoroughly delighted. Her patterns encourage you to go stash diving (a new sport?) and find wondrous yarns to have an amazingly joyful time with. If you want a pattern that holds your hand, do not go here. But if you love designs that guide you along a path but allow you to choose your own direction and truly create, this is for you.

Here is what Jane calls a Free-Range Knitting Pattern.

And I quote her here:

"Here's a cozy snuggle of a wrap designed to fend off salt-air chills and the fiercest air conditioning attacks. It will sail into Fall with grace. One long basket weave-stitched rectangle undulating with seed stitch borders, it’s irregular edges gently widen as the design progresses towards the center, forming a shawl collar with an optional button closure. Any mix of yarns...will work. It's worked on size 9mm needles and designated at the 'intermediate' level only because it encourages the knitter to take a free-range approach to knitting. No need to be an expert to knit this pattern but an adventurous spirit helps!"

The project takes roughly 350 to 400 yards of yarn -- this is very much an approximation. You will be working on very large needles (9mm are the equivalent of size 13 US) but (again according to Jane) "any mix of yarns, regardless of weight, usually works. The key is color. Though this design uses primarily bulky or sport-weight yarn, thinner fibers can be doubled...." So this is to give you an idea where you can go on this.

The photo to the right shows the Scotian Meadow Wrap from the front. If you click on it, you will see it again from the side.


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