Trenzado: Dilly Dilly & The Real Teal

The Real Teal
The Real Teal
Dilly Dilly
Dilly Dilly
Price: $12.99
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Translated from Spanish, Trenzado means ‘twisted’ or ‘braided’, which precisely describes the look of this intriguing 2-ply yarn.

One of the plies is Merino and the other ply is Superwash Merino, which each take the dye differently, creating a yarn that appears to be two separate shades twisted together.

This unique feature also means that you can felt it to create a textured finished piece like a purse or slippers, or simply knit it to make fun garments and accessories with visual complexity.

100% Wool - Merino

109 yards (100 meters)/ 50g


One colorway is The Real Teal, a play on teals, one ply darker than the other. 

The other colorway is called Dilly Dilly.  I would describe it as a rich iris with a slightly more subtle difference between the plies. 
